The Story of Murray – A Dog Rescued From The Dead Dog Beach

To this day, Beckles, the founder, and president of The Sato Project and Murray’s rescuer remember the dog she once had the pleasure of meeting, even if in the most unpleasant circumstances.
Dog rescue stories never fail to make me feel the most contradicting feelings all at the same time. I feel negative emotions and mind-blown in the most unpleasant ways towards people who treat their pets like trash. On the other hand, I feel so happy and proud of the selfless men and women who do everything they can to help every animal they are able to help.
What I fail to understand is why take in dogs as your own only to abandon, neglect, abuse or hurt them afterwards?
Why not send them to a safer home like shelters where they will be taken cared of instead of doing unimaginable and inhumane acts to these poor babies? It makes me so emotional whenever I see dogs in a poor state – whether they are sick, are starving, have no homes or are not well taken cared of.
As a dog owner, it hurts to see animals, dogs, in particular, be treated indifferently by those who were supposed to be their best friends. They offer only unconditional love and will remain loyal to us, and because of this, we don’t really deserve them. But guess what, here they are, ready to lick us and wag their tails for us with tongues hanging out just to say hi!
All the efforts of concerned citizens and organizations are well-appreciated. But as long as there are dog owners and people who will remain cruel to dogs and other animals, the world we live in won’t be a better place. It is only when all humans learn how to value life, even the lives of creatures that are not the same as ours, do we get the chance to live in a better place.
Image Source: The Dodo
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