Surprisingly Easy Tricks To End A Dogfight Fast! Amazing!

Stay calm.
Panicking will never do any good, and can only cause some actions that can only aggravate the situation. Your first instinct would be to stop the fight, but if you dive right on it, you may just put yourself in a dangerous place where you can get bitten by the other dog or your pet as well.
Secure other dogs present. Dogs feel stressed and agitated when witnessing fights, so make sure the other dogs are safe and secured as much as possible.
Never attempt to pick up your dog.
In the midst of a fight, your pet may not be able to sense that it’s you who’s trying to pick him up. He might think it’s another dog he needs to face, and as an instinct, they may be tempted to bite you. If a dog starts aiming at you, try to not get bitten by using your feet, not your hands. Don’t push the dog away with your hands, but rather use your knee and thrust it into the dog’s face or chest.
Do the wheelbarrow.
The best way to break up a dog fight is by using the wheelbarrow technique. This magic word can help you stop the fight the safe way, only if done the right way. Dogfights are an extremely dangerous situation for both dogs and human and can be a traumatic experience if it won’t end well.
Image Source: 3milliondogs
Assess the situation and focus on the more aggressive dog. Pick the dog up by its two hind legs to disorient the dog. Tie a leash on its abdomen and secure on a fence or pole strong enough to keep the dog in place. It would be much better to have someone with you to do the wheelbarrow technique on both dogs at the same time. Pull them apart but proceed only with extreme caution.
After securing both dogs away from each other, wait for them to calm down before checking for any possible injuries.
This would also give you an opportunity to take a breather. It is best to have your pet checked by the vet afterward just for extra precaution.
Most of the time, dogs come out with just minor injuries if there are any injuries at all in dogfights. As much as possible, try not to intervene so as to keep yourself safe. However, if the situation calls for your intervention, use the wheelbarrow technique to take care of the matter.
You can check the article where this review is based on 3milliondogs.
Image Source: 3milliondogs