This Bloodied Pup Was Left In A Sealed Box, Thrown To A Dumpster And Left To Die! You Would Not Believe How She Survived!

November 18, 2024 | Awesome, Awesome Too
| Sally has fever, respiratory issues a severe case of dehydration, mange and a secondary skin infection. The poor dog was so sick but that didn’t stop her from letting her sweet personality shine through.
The vet had Sally stay in the hospital and was released 36 hours later. Dawson took her home for a couple of days before she went to foster care.

Sally’s journey was shared on the Facebook page of Dallas DogRRR. Love and support poured out for Sally and her story went viral. Thankfully, Sally has found her forever home. Her adopters love to show her off and is now living a healthy and happy life.
Just take a look at her now!

Sally’s story went viral for a couple of reasons. The first one is the fact that anyone would even think of dumping a poor and sick puppy in a sealed box in the dumpster, caged in a box and left alone in the dark? The only one who has no conscious would do so.
If one has no means to take care of a sick dog like Sally, wouldn’t it be better to drop her off to a shelter or call an animal rescue group? Why dump a dog as if it were something useless, is not a living thing and have no right to live? People like this need to stop, and should not be allowed to have dogs or any animal for that matter.
It’s a great thing that someone stopped to check on Sally, even if they did not know what could be the cause of the sounds. The man did not walk away even after seeing poor Sally. Empathy went a long way and saved this poor dog’s life.
As for all the other people who helped Sally recover, one can only be truly grateful. If it weren’t for them, terrible things could have happened, and she may never have met her forever home.
We need more people like these – good samaritans, rescue groups, volunteers, people who are opening up their homes willing to foster these animals and people who are very willing to take in rescue dogs and animals.
Story and Image Source: Dallas DogRRR