When This Labrador Signed Up To Play With This Pit Bull He Didn’t Expect This

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Labradors Are Very Gentle In Nature, They Love To Swim, Fetch And To Play.

So, when this labrador signed up to play with this pit bull he didn’t expect to have such a rough game and so much competition. Plus the pit bull is much smaller than Lab. So the two dogs found a toy that they both wanted to play with, but they couldn’t decide who will be the first to play with that toy, and neither one wanted to let the other one play first. So they decided to play together, but it seems that lab was ok with it and pit bull wasn’t very fond of that idea…
Friendly Competition – Lab seems to be in charge…
Pit Bull is trying to say that the toy is his but having a hard time since the Lab is dragging him around…

Click to the next page to watch this labrador and pit bull cool video…

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