What Happens When Someone Leaves A Poor Puppy Out In The Snow? The Details Will Make You Cry

The police charged Grochoske with one count of Animal Cruelty. The officers also confiscated another dog found the woman’s home.
Chances are, she can spend a total of four years in prison for the death of her Pitbull who was still a puppy when it died because of animal cruelty.
Image Source: WKOW27
Another case of animal neglect occurred a few days earlier in New Jersey. A dog was seen frozen right there on a sidewalk.
Shore Animal Control posted a facebook status to warn dog-owners not to let dogs out in the cold. Most dogs are made with thin fur and cannot tolerate such temperature.
As a dog-owner, I would not let my dogs stay out in the cold without my supervision, let alone let them stay out in the cold. It doesn’t matter if they can tolerate the cold or not. Such animal cruelty is so disappointing. No dog, cat or whatever animal deserves to be treated like that.
I always say if you can’t handle a pet, don’t get one. You’re doing those poor dogs a big favor by not being their owner who will just abuse or neglect them. If you yourself can’t handle the cold, why would you or anyone for that matter, think of letting your pet out, only to forget about them.
If the reason would be because they “forgot” about their pets, that it was “just a mistake”, then they messed up big time. This one mistake has led to a dog passing earlier. Instead of them being able to experience more what life has to offer, they have to fend for themselves, try to survive but will eventually fail.
Despite all the news speaking of dogs being left out in the cold, many seem to idly follow such irresponsible acts, resulting in more dogs being abused and neglected. As a member of the public, we have due obligation to report such incident to stop these dog’s sufferings and end animal cruelty. As pet owners, we have the responsibility of keeping our pets safe and away from harm.
You can check the article where this review is based on WKOW27.
Image Source: WKOW27