A Woman Who Adopted A Cat Came Back To The Shelter For The Most Unexpected Reason. The Ending Will Make You Cry

Ever wondered how old pets feel whenever they are neglected by their owners? Or if their owner leaves them alone in the streets to thrive for themselves, without no one to love and care for them? It is the same with us, humans. How would you feel when you’re old and wrinkly, and your family abandoned you?
Everyone deserves someone to love and take care of them no matter the age, or whether if its a man or animal. Heart-breaking stories of senior pets with no homes always make me sad. However, I do love learning about such stories hoping for a happy ending. The story below is a perfect example of what I’m talking about.
Mojo, 11 years old and Max, who is 16 years old, are two cats with one thing in common – they are both homeless. They are very good friends who ended up in Anne Arundel County Animal Control. These two senior cats share a bond like no other. Unfortunately, the shelter had to keep them in cold, separate kennels as per policy.
Then something incredible happened.
Things changed for the better when a woman came to the shelter and picked Mojo as her new pet. They went home and everything was a bliss. Mojo and her new owner love spending time together. The Mojo’s owner was so happy with her pet, but to Mojo, something is missing.
Things just got even better.