Woman Has Found Injured Dog On Her Lawn What Happens Next Is Unbelievably Touching

Khalessi is not an ordinary pit bull. She is special. She was found on the lawn of a house in Orange County.
The lady who owned the house had contacted Orange County Animal Services in Florida and Khalessi was provided refuge.
There is no known history or any records of Khalessi. No one knows who owned her, one can only speculate what she must have gone through and her condition is not impeccable. When she was found on the lawn, she weighed only twenty pounds. That was very unhealthy considering the pitty mix breed and the age. She was two years old when rescued.
Khalessi doesn’t have any nasal cavity. She has a part of her upper jaw missing. She cannot walk properly because her back is broken. Her hind legs and ribs are also partially damaged. It is difficult to say how well she breathes in and out but she doesn’t have any apparent respiratory problems. The vets are of the opinion that Khalessi has been subjected to unthinkable abuse. Maybe she was used in dog fighting. Perhaps the owner was physically abusive and could have been insane. It is not known if Khalessi was born that way or abuse left her in the dire state she is in.