Here Is What Your Dog Experiences Every Time You Come Home! Watch Now!

One of my favorite parts of the day is coming home.
It doesn’t matter if I’m coming home from work, or if I’m getting back from running errands, one of the great moments of my day waits for me as soon as I walk in. That’s when my Siberian husky comes barreling towards me. It never fails. No matter how long I’ve been gone, and no matter where I go, I don’t think there could be any human or animal as happy to see me as my dog is. Do you have a dog or dogs that act like that? I can’t even imagine having more than one dog. Getting home would become quite the production!
All of this made me really curious to learn more about what dogs experience when we come home. As I was learning about this, I came across one of the most heartwarming videos that I can ever remember seeing. When you discover this video for yourself, you’ll also learn a little more about what your dog might go through, when you leave the house for any amount of time.
You’re also going to find your heart absolutely warmed.
Why Are Dogs So Happy To See Us?
The video in question is an advertisement for the Home for Dogs project. The aim of this remarkable project is to find homes for more than twenty thousand adoption-ready canines. The ad comes to us through a cooperative effort with Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. The ad originally premiered during the Academy Awards, but you can find still the video through YouTube and other sources. A 2014 adoptee named Max is the star of the ad. There is no question that he is going to absolutely steal your heart.