Poor Cat Abandoned On Nostrand Avenue With Supplies And Litter Box

The close knit neighborhood started sharing the image and people went out to look for the cat. As is the case with felines, they do not stay at one place and like to wander. Reportedly, Nostrand was scared away by a sweeper and could not be found. The cat remained untraceable for days till he showed up at the backyard of a Brooklyn resident. Incidentally, the address was of Karen Oh, a retired cat rescuer.
Nostrand couldn’t have chosen a better place to emerge from his self imposed isolation. Nostrand was taken to a vet, he got checked and a microchip was contemplated but then discarded. Nostrand is one year old. A healthy cat, Nostrand is awaiting neutering after which he would be put up for adoption and hopefully will find a forever home where from he would not be abandoned or dumped. Nostrand is nice cat with no tantrums whatsoever, as had been apparent when blood was drawn for the tests. A family would be lucky to have a well mannered cat like Nostrand. You can read the full story this review is based at TheDodo.
Image credit/source: thedodo/Meredith Ferrel