Did Somebody Say “Bath Time”…? Adorable And Funny! :)

Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.

Unless Your Dog Is Labrador, Bath Time Could Present Some Challenges…

Not without exceptions…But some dogs will not be too crazy about bathing or do anything that has to do with bathtub and water. They will growl and make all kinds of noises and will try to escape the bath routine. Some dogs will go as far as pretending to be asleep. It is very cute and funny.

And this routine will probably provide a few laughs and lots of cuteness to you and to dog owners who are trying to convince their dogs, that bathing is good and that it is lots of fun. Of course, even some Labradors will not be happy from time to time to get into the bathtub…

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Track Your Dog At All Times - Do You Know Where Your Dog Is? We do.