Find Out What This UPS Driver Did When He Saw Little Puppy Dumped From A Car

Jason Harcrow took the puppy to the nearest substation of Hughson Police Department. He was on his rounds so could not wait to furnish his details or any callback information. Jason just dropped the puppy, narrated the story and went back to his rounds. Animal services were contacted by the cops and the puppy was taken to Stanislaus County Animal Shelter. According to updates on social media, he puppy is doing great, it is in fine spirits and is poised for adoption. Courtesy social media and social network Facebook, the coworkers of Jason Harcrow were able to identify the puppy and correlate the story with what they must have heard from him. They identified Jason and social media acknowledged him for the hero he is.
The puppy was reunited with Jason once and it was a great moment of the saved in the arms of the savior. UPS supervisor Jessica Lafferty has issued an official comment that they are proud of Jason who happens to be a very nice guy. We all and the puppy are obviously in agreement.